My how time continues to fly by. While the days of the home haunt seem like decades ago (It’ll actually BE a decade next year!) it also feels like just yesterday I was out in the garage painting walls and building corpses with my buddies. Life’s been a dizzying adventure since then but I’m happy to report that I’m getting back to my haunting roots.
Since my last entry, I have finished college, got a new apartment, started a career, and have slowly but surly continued laying the foundations to get back into the haunted attraction industry as more than just an “enthusiast.”
My contract with The Slaughterhouse Haunted Attraction ended at the end of the 2017 season which led to me turning my focus to my school work and career. I was fortunate enough to land a job I thoroughly enjoy right out of school which has taken up a majority of my time. However, the itch to get back to the spooky stuff never seems to go away for long.
I have tried to keep involved in the spooky scene by attending industry trade shows and conventions as well as play a part in Facebook groups and Halloween/haunted attraction web forums. These give me an outlet and opportunity to meet and converse with like-minded weirdos however it never seems to be enough!
About a year ago I was approached by two very good friends of mine about the opportunity to open a commercial attraction of our very own. Where and when were to be decided later, they just were looking at the possibility of doing something together down the road. I, of course, was extremely interested and talks began of a new attraction I could call home.
Over the preceding year, it was decided the attraction was to be housed in a roughly 12,000 sq ft warehouse space they own and currently lease out for the 2020 Halloween season. (There’s a bit more to that story, but I’ll spare you the dramatic details.)
With the location seemingly decided, we have seen been working on the planning processes such as budgeting, logistics, and all the super un-fun stuff necessary for owning a successful haunted attraction (or any business for that matter.) but things are moving right along and I’m extremely excited to get to work.
There’s obviously an eminence amount of pressure involved when starting a business, however with my being involved in the industry for 10+ years, previous haunt experiences and industry contacts, along with the knowledge and experiences of my business partners, I am confident we will be able to create some truly amazing things together.
As with the business aspects of everything, we’re still working on finalizing a name and logo however when things start to finalize, I’ll post further updates and information here! It’s been an incredible ride so far and am so extremely excited for this frightful new chapter!
Thanks for readying and stay spooky!